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Text: Psalm 51:17 KJV

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

    There is a realm where you can touch God and he release his great power upon you. There is a kind of heart that God will never despise, He is always available to such people. David is one of such person. 

    I have been reading through the Bible and I came to realize that there is no man that is operating in the frequency of David, he is the definition of brokenness. Many of us cry to God and say "Father let me be a man after your own heart " but only if you can understand that this  prayer we're praying is not prayerfully triggered but Sacrificially obtained. When you esteem the sovereignty of God above all your human wisdom and qualifications, and you acknowledge divinity as your ONLY source of victory and exploit, that is when you begin to operate from David's realm. 

    Brokenness procured an eternal prosperity and posterity for David, he was a die hard servant of God. Even after the enemies took his wives and children away and burnt his houses, he was not so in haste that he forget the place of God, some of us will not even bother asking God, but David waited on God to know His ways. So which means if God had told him not to go after the enemies, he will remain where he is and keep trusting GOD

    One of the major ways to know you are genuinely broken is to wait on God no matter how long, this brokenness is termed a sacrifice so you don't expect it to be easy. 

Brokenness is not a sign of foolishness but rather admitting your foolishness for God's wisdom to manifest through you. 

A Broken heart  does not seek the down fall of his fellow man no  matter how much they had been hurt by them. A broken hearted man is an intercessor that never stop praying for even his enemies. A broken hearted man is a man of great love and compassion. They prefer to be cheated than to cheat others, they give out their best for the well being of others. So I want you to just ask yourself genuinely if you are operating in above listed frequency, then you will know if truly you are broken or not.


Today is your day!  The angels are at your command hallelujah, the devil is under your feet and your victory is in Christ Jesus. Congratulations and God bless you. Amen.

Remember, Royalty is known by its distinction.

*Thanks and God bless you.

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